best viewed on desktop

commission prices

please read my TOS first!payment only thru kofi and paypal.note: my artstyle tends to be a bit inconsistent, i like experimenting. if there's a specific piece of mine that caught your eye and you'd like something similiar, let me know!additional characters are 40% off


1 color of your choice

icon (headshot)12 usd
chibi15 usd
bust15 usd
half body20 usd
fullbody25 usd
pony fullbody20 usd
props5+ usd



icon (headshot)18 usd
chibi25 usd
bust28 usd
half body35 usd
fullbody40 usd
pony fullbody30 usd
environment backgrounds10+ usd
props5+ usd



icon (headshot)45 usd
chibi55 usd
bust60 usd
half body70 usd
fullbody85 usd
pony fullbody75 usd
environment backgrounds20+ usd
props10+ usd



comes with minimal shading

icon (headshot)22 usd
chibi28 usd
bust30 usd
half body45 usd
fullbody55 usd
pony fullbody50 usd
environment backgrounds15+ usd
props5+ usd



icon (headshot)55 usd
chibi70 usd
bust80 usd
half body100 usd
fullbody120 usd
pony fullbody110 usd
environment backgrounds25+ usd
props10+ usd



- mixed media
- artistic freedom in terms of the art supplies i use
- can be decorated with stickers !
- back of the badge is a traditional collage, i can include any info you'd like, like pronouns, social media handles, etc.. :3
- shipping worldwide from poland, included in the price!

headshot50 usd
bust65 usd
chibi80 usd



- mixed media
- artistic freedom in terms of the art supplies i use
- can be decorated with stickers !
- no shipping available as it's in my sketchbook :P

headshot15 usd
bust20 usd
chibi25 usd


terms of service

- nudity
- nsfw
- gore
- any kind of characters, like furries, humans, animals and anything else

- anything that makes me uncomfortable
- hate art
- complicated mecha

- use my work for nfts
- use my work for ai
- pass off my work as your own
- sell my work on merch and such, without discussing it beforehand
- tell me to change my artstyle; to copy someone else's artstyle
if you don't want me to use your commission in future commission examples, please let me know.turnaround time:
usual turnaround time is 1-2 weeks, can take up to a month is queue is stuffed.
please keep in mind bigger projects, like paintings and such can take even a few months in some cases. (i provide progress photos of course!)
changes in a finished piece:
if there is a mistake on my part and i forget to include some kind of detail, that is free of charge.
if the client changes their mind at the end, they will be charged depending on how big the change is.
for traditional pieces, changes are not possible so anything that's missing/needs to be changed has to be pointed out during the sketch phase.
commission process:
-once the payment is sent the commission is added to my queue and work begins in up to 2 weeks , if it takes longer for me to reach out to you with a work in progress, don't be scared to contact me!
-i will send a picture of the sketch to be approved before i start to line and color, in case any changes need to be made.
(ych's are an exception, they're cheaper and i get them done quicker.)
-once the sketch is approved and i start coloring, refunds are not possible. i will charge extra for changes past the sketching stage. if it's me who misses something, changes are free of charge.-it's possible to message me anytime to see progress on the art but please do not rush me!once the art is finished:
-if it's digital i will send the full quality piece to you.
-if it's traditional, same as above + i can send the physical art piece to you (i ship from poland so the shipping can take slightly over a month in some cases).
sketchbook pieces won't be shipped.
by commissioning me you agree to all these terms.

icon - 50 usd
chibi - 60 usd
half body - 70 usd
fullbody - 90 usd
pony fullbody - 80 usd
environment backgrounds - 20+ usd
props - 10+ usd


if you're interested in something that's not listed above, or just looking for something with more artistic freedom, this is it :3can be any price, min. 5 usd (keep in mind a price this low won't get you anything crazy, most likely just a sketch/flat headshot if your design is simple)will be experimental but feel free to give me themes or topics you'd like included.keep in mind more detailed pieces with backgrounds etc. will cost over 100 usd.
